Overview of the energy industry
Competition commenced in the retail electricity market in Victoria in 2002 and in South Australia in 2003, enabling customers to choose an electricity retailer. Prior to this, you could only buy electricity from one company which meant there was no retail competition and no choice between prices and services.
Gas competition was introduced on 1st October 2002 and now some retailers (like Red Energy) can provide you with both electricity and gas.
Red Energy sells energy (electricity, and where available gas too) to residential and business customers in Victoria, New South Wales, South Australia, Queensland and the Australian Capital Territory.
The difference between a retailer and the network
Before retail competition a retail customer could only buy energy from one company. This company also managed the poles in your street and the infrastructure in your suburb. The industry is now split up into network providers and retailers:
Network providers own and manage the electricity poles and wires and gas pipes in the street that deliver electricity and gas to your home and are responsible for the quality and reliability of the supply.
Energy retailers sell electricity and gas to you and bill you for the service. Red Energy is an electricity and gas retailer.
Industry Guidelines
Red Energy complies with the National Energy Retail Rules, the Energy Retail Code and all Guidelines issued by the Australian Energy Regulator and the Essential Services Commission of Victoria.
We are required to place certain information on your bill. Electricity Industry Guideline No.13 details the information we must include on your bill about greenhouse gas emissions.
For more information visit the Essential Services Commission’s website at www.esc.vic.gov.au.
South Australia / New South Wales / Australian Capital Territory / Queensland
We are required to place certain information on your bill and the details can be found in the National Energy Retail Rules.
If you require more information, visit the Australian Energy Regulator’s website at www.aer.gov.au
Sales Assured Limited
Sales Assured Limited is an initiative designed to ensure the best practice in face to face marketing for customers in any industry.
Energy Efficiency Schemes
There are a number of energy efficiency schemes currently operating within different states and territory in Australia.
Energy Industry Links
A handy list of links for distributors, government and more.