Information about Concessions and the Federal Energy Bill Relief Fund can be found here.

What is a Smart Meter?

A smart meter (sometimes called an advanced meter, digital meter or type 4 meter) is a meter that digitally measures your electricity usage. A smart meter measures when and how much electricity is used at your home or business. It sends this information to us (your electricity retailer) automatically, without your meter needing to be manually read by a meter reader. This is great if you have any issues with access to the meter at your home or business. Smart meters make moving a whole lot easier with remote connections and disconnections

Smart meters can also do other things remotely, like allow the electricity supply to be switched on and off without the need for someone to visit your home or business, measures the power quality at your premises and notifies your electricity network if your power goes out.

The difference between a Basic Meter and a Smart Meter

Before smart meters were available all meters were called Basic Meters. Basic Meters measure your usage from one point in time to another and are usually read by a meter reader every three months.

Smart meters record your energy consumption every 30 minutes and send your usage data to us. This means that we are able to send you timely and accurate bills, and gives you the flexibility to receive your bills monthly.

Smart Meters in Victoria

Smart Meters were rolled out in Victoria between 2009 and 2013. The Victorian government made the roll-out of smart meters mandatory. Smart meters were installed by Victoria’s five electricity networks – AusNet Services, CitiPower, Jemena, Powercor and United Energy.

Who installs and owns Smart Meters in Victoria

Smart Meters are owned and installed by Victoria’s five electricity networks – AusNet Services, Citipower, Jemena, Powercor and United Energy. They also own and manage the electricity poles, wires and meters that deliver electricity to your home and business and are responsible for the quality and reliability of your electricity supply.

Read about the Victorian roll-out Read about how to read a smart meter

Smart Meters in New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia and Queensland

Since December 2017, Red has been taking care of new meter installations for our customers in New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia and Queensland. If you need a new connection or your meter needs replacement due to a fault or its age we will arrange to have a new smart meter installed at your home. Our metering service partners will be responsible for its supply, installation, testing, maintenance and security.

Meter installation

We will work with you to agree a suitable meter installation date. The following timeframes apply in New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia and Queensland where we have not been able to agree on a date for a meter installation with you:

New Connections – 6 business days from the date we are advised by you that the connection service (electricity supply) is in place.

Meter Installation (without a change in the connection service) – 15 business days after we receive the request from you to install an electricity meter.

These timeframes do not apply where we do not have an agreement with you to install the meter, the site is not safe, accessible or ready for the meter installation, or installing the meter requires an interruption to another customer’s supply.

How we’ll deal with any issues

We’re confident that most meters can be installed or exchanged with minimal fuss and inconvenience. There are a couple of things which might slow us down and here’s how we’ll deal with them:

Weather Conditions: electricity and water do not mix, if the weather is poor we may not make it to your house on the day we said we would.

Electrical Issues: should the technician who attends your property find any wiring or electrical issues which would make a meter exchange unsafe, we will discuss this with you before any action is taken.

You’re in safe hands

We’re working with smart meter experts to help us organise the removal of your old meter and the installation of your new smart meter. We have been working closely with our partners to make sure you get the same level of service from them as you do from anyone at Red.

At no time will any of our technicians ask you for any sort of direct payment, payment details or your identification.

Reconnect and Disconnect Smart Meters in New South Wales

Smart meters in NSW allow Red Energy to receive remote meter readings. These meters can now be reconnected and disconnected remotely. If you need to reconnect or disconnect your property please call us on 131 806 Monday to Friday 8am–8:30pm, and 9am–5:30pm Saturday AEST/AEDT.

Read more

Talk to us about Smart Meters

Have a question about Smart Meters in Victoria, New South Wales, Australian Capital Territory, South Australia and Queensland?

Contact us with any queries