If we can’t get an actual read for your meter, we may issue you an estimated bill. Estimated bills can be based on your previous consumption, seasonality and/or general consumption in your area.

Access to your meter

Depending on the type of meter at your property, it may need to be read in person. One of the main reasons for estimated bills is access issues. The specific reason for your estimated read can be found on the second page of your bill. You are required to provide access at least once every 12 months, and we will work with you to arrange this.

To ensure there is clear and safe access to your meter, you should:

  • Clear the space around your meter and regularly prune trees and shrubs and remove anything that may restrict access, like building materials;
  • Ensure gates on your property are unlocked and easy to open;
  • Remove any personal locks on your meter box;
  • If you have pets, keep them in a safe and secure place on the days around your scheduled read date.

You can find out when your meter is next due to be read on the second page of your bill. If special instructions are required to access your meter or you would like to arrange for a special read, please contact us.

How to submit your own meter reading

If you receive an estimated bill, you may request your bill be adjusted by submitting a self reading. You can do this by:

Phone – Call us on 131 806 and we will guide you through the process of how to read and submit your meter reading.
Email – Send us a photograph of your meter which shows the meter number and current reading to [email protected]

We will accept your self meter read where:

  • The self read was submitted before the due date on your bill
  • We have obtained an actual read of your meter in the past 12 months. If it’s been more than 12 months, please contact us to arrange an actual read.
  • Based on the information provided, we believe your self meter read is likely to be correct
  • If you have provided a photograph of your meter, that photograph is time stamped and shows the meter number along with the reading

How to read your electricity meter

If you have a digital meter, take record of the numbers on your meter from left to right, ignoring the final number. In the example below the reading is 2518.

If you have a dial meter, ignore the dials labelled 1/10 and 1/100, these are check dials.

Record the number for each dial from left to right. If a pointer falls anywhere between two numbers, always record the lower number.

In the example above the reading is 8028.

How to read your gas meter

If you have a metric meter, record the numbers on your meter from left to right. In the example below the reading is 2932

If you have a dial (imperial) meter, record the number for each dial, reading from left to right. If a pointer falls anywhere between two numbers, always record the lower number. In the example below the reading is 3032.

Your options if the self meter read is rejected

If you submit a self meter read which is not in line with our requirements we will notify you in writing, and provide specific reasons for our decision.

If you are not satisfied with these reasons or wish to dispute the decision you are welcome to lodge a complaint which will be dealt with in line with our Complaint Management and Dispute Resolution Policy.